I received in my daily barrage of emails one that perked my interest. I apologize upfront because it got deleted by accident and I could not find it again.
The email was from a HR related blog and it began with a scenario in which the employees of a said organization received and email at their desk computers. In essence the message stated that management was informing the employee body that they no longer had to worry about their fellow employee who was holding up the organization because they were no longer with the company. It further announced that there would be a memorial for this person at 3pm in the company cafeteria. The scenario said that when the employees showed up for the memorial there was an open casket waiting for them. As the employees went up to the casket to see who had passed away, they found themselves looking in a mirror.
So here is my question to you. If you received the identical message and you saw yourself in the mirror what is your reaction as to whether you are holding up the organization's objectives. Are you so stuck in your silo that you are not able too see how you fit into the bigger picture? Are you so set in the philosophy that we do not need to change, things are fine just the way they are?
Our global marketplace is changing each and every day and it is incumbent on each of us to play a vital role in that change. Times require new approaches and new methods of problem solving. As HR professionals we need to be at the forefront of the change process not part of the problem.
So the next time you ask the mirror who am I, be prepared to provide the answer that will expand bot the organization and your futures by changing with the times. Find the path to work effectively and efficiently with cross functions within your organization. Be prepared to recognize the value of others view of the mirror as far as HR is concerned. Work around the problems and make the workplace a better place to be.