Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Relocation Announcements
Did the Playing Field Really Change Yesterday?
The question is thus in light of the Ricci decision, has the playing field really changed? I am not a lawyer, although I come from a family of them. In my view the decision just means that we as human resource professionals need to more then ever ensure that the tests we provide to assist us in making human resource staffing decisions must accurately reflect the ability on one to complete the bona fide occupational qualifications. There is nothing in the decision as I have read that says we are off the hook in this regard.
In this global economy we need the wide array of views and cultures in the workplace so while New Haven apparently may be wrong in their decision it does not eliminate our need to continue to recruit, hire and promote all equally qualified members of our human capital resources.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Round and round we go
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Have You Really Looked at Your Population lately?
The Workplace Has Changed
The full article can be found at http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2272.cfm
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
DBAI Creates Client Platform on LinkedIn
It is designed to be a central location where the client base of DBAI, can share ideas, keep in touch with each other and have a resource to ask for assistance on questions that might arise in the process of conducting your daily business processes.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Trailing Spouse Income requirements may change
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Clarifying comment on Previous Post
And The World Changes
Friday, June 19, 2009
Employers Have easier time with Age Discrimination cases
Be careful where you tread
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Relocation Announcement
Exact Sciences Corp. has received a $1 million loan from the Wisconsin Department of Commerce to relocate its headquarters and operations from Marlborough, Mass., to Madison.The company expects to make a significant investment in its relocated operations, creating as many as 150 jobs over five years, as it achieves its commercial milestones, Gov. Jim Doyle said Thursday in announcing the loan award.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
If I only Knew
The study also foun d that people in management roles tended to be more open to experience, more committed but less agreeable than others in different job roles. The clerical workers were the most committed but were least open to change. The sales people were the most extroverted and agreeable.
The study looked at 20,000 individuals from the perspective of five characteristics: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and emotional stability.
Monday, June 15, 2009
How Are You Screening Your Applicants?
In today's marketplace the job-hopper is considered to be more of an asset to the organization because they are able to bring new experiences, new culture background and more in-tune with the marketplace today. Troy Media columnist, Bob Weinstein suggests that if you are staying with one company for longer than two years you better have a really great reason for doing so. See the following link:http://www.reliableplant.com/Article.aspx?articleid=17677
Manpower Releases Survey Results on Job Market
"When we account for ongoing calibration of the data, employer attitudes about hiring remain essentially unchanged compared to the previous quarter," said Jeffrey A. Joerres, chairman and CEO of Manpower Inc. "While the numbers may not be as optimistic as we would like, it is positive to see no further deterioration."
More than 28,000 employers were surveyed about their hiring plans for Quarter 3 2009. Fifteen percent anticipate an increase in their staff levels, while 13 percent expect a decrease in their payrolls. Sixty-seven percent of employers surveyed expect no change in their July - September hiring plans, and 5 percent of employers indicated they were undecided about their hiring intentions.
"The data shows continued hesitancy among employers," said Jonas Prising, president of the Americas for Manpower Inc. "They are treading slowly and watching with guarded optimism, hoping a few quarters of stability will be the precursor to the recovery."
Manpower Releases Survey Results on Job Market
(Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20060221/CGTU012LOGO)
"When we account for ongoing calibration of the data, employer attitudes about hiring remain essentially unchanged compared to the previous quarter," said Jeffrey A. Joerres, chairman and CEO of Manpower Inc. "While the numbers may not be as optimistic as we would like, it is positive to see no further deterioration."
More than 28,000 employers were surveyed about their hiring plans for Quarter 3 2009. Fifteen percent anticipate an increase in their staff levels, while 13 percent expect a decrease in their payrolls. Sixty-seven percent of employers surveyed expect no change in their July - September hiring plans, and 5 percent of employers indicated they were undecided about their hiring intentions.
"The data shows continued hesitancy among employers," said Jonas Prising, president of the Americas for Manpower Inc. "They are treading slowly and watching with guarded optimism, hoping a few quarters of stability will be the precursor to the recovery."
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Have we Not Really Grown?
Then we turn on the news or read the media and find that an individual seems to believe that his picture of the world is the only "correct" view of the world that he has to take violent actions to enforce them. Imagine if we were not talking about such an event as the Holocaust but rather a initiative within our marketplace. Can we continue to not keep our eyes open to the dangers of some of our policies--such as the many states which have in essence created a new protected class by freely allowing our employees to bring firearms to the workplace and that we can't protect our workplace by "discriminating" against those who are gun owners. I don't hold any animosity towards gun owners. I actually owned one at one time, but there is a place for them and our workplace is not one of them.
The killing at the US Holocaust Museum clearly demonstrates that we need to take concrete steps to protect all the citizenry from individuals who believe that the only solution to conflicting views is to pull out a firearm and take out those with opposing views.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
DBAI Managing Consultant Reaches Milestone
Friday, June 05, 2009
When Was the Last Time You Really Supported Your Recruiting Efforts?
I have to think back to my own college training because it was because of a willingness to buck the trends of the time I got a different perspective on the role of colleges and universities in our knowledge marketplace. In the 1960's and early 70's, there was a alternative program for college education called the "Parsons Plan." Represented by I believe seven colleges at the height of the program (Parsons College in Fairfield, IA was the model), which looked for professors who wanted to teach, not write or research. All of our lectures were taught by Ph.D's, the discussion groups were all conducted by Master's Degree holders. We learned because that was why we were there.
So on this weekend as we commemorate the invasion on D-Day, I pose this question to you. If you believe that the workforce is not being challenged to prepare as contributors to our way of life, then are you ready to challenge the university system who by intent or coercion force universities to concentrate on the research efforts of their professors at the cost of preparing our workforce? Or are you willing to remain in the staus quo?
I believe that the St John's model of giving consideration to those who those who teach our students to write is what we need to enhance the quality of workforce. Let me know your thoughts.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
CRP Results
New Colorado Law Provides Leave for Academic Activities
Like the federal Family and Medical Leave Act, this Act applies to private employers engaged in interstate commerce employing 50 or more employees and to public agencies regardless of size. To be eligible for leave, an employee must be the parent or legal guardian of a child in grades K-12 and must work in a nonexecutive or nonsupervisory capacity. Eligible employees can take leave for academic activities such as: parent-teacher conferences, special education services, response to intervention, dropout prevention, attendance, truancy; or disciplinary issues. Parental involvement leave is unpaid. The employer or employee, however, may elect to substitute accrued paid vacation leave or other paid leave for this time.
Full-time employees may take up to a maximum of 18 hours in an academic year to attend such activities. Part-time employee leave is prorated based on the percentage of a full-time schedule the employee works. The Act restricts employees from taking more than six hours of leave in any one-month period and allows employers to require leave to be taken in no longer than 3-hour increments.
Except in emergencies, employees are required to provide at least one (1) calendar week advance notice of the need for leaveGrowing Issue Facing HR from all companies
The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act requires that employers meet certain requirements:
1. Requires the granting of military leave up to 5 years
2. Prohibits discrimination in employment decisions based on military service or potential for same
3. Requires posting of a notice advising employees of their rights under the act.
4. Requires re-employment to a position that the employee would normally have obtained if deployment had not occurred.
5. Re-employed employees are entitled to the same benefits that wold have accrued if deployment had not occurred.
Information regarding the two court cases can be found at http://www.jacksonlewis.com/legalupdates/article.cfm?aid=1743
Relocation Announcement
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
E-Verify Extension Again
The effective date of the Federal Contractor E-Verify Rule has been postponed once again. The new implementation date is now scheduled to be September 8, 2009, (extended from the most recent scheduled implementation date of June 30, 2009) and is the result of an agreement between the parties to the lawsuit filed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other business groups challenging the rule.
The rule requires federal contractors with contracts for services or construction over $100,000 and a performance period over 120 days, to use E-Verify for all newly hired employees and also for current employees working on the contract. It was originally due to take effect on January 15, 2009, but has been postponed several times to allow President Obama's administration time to review the rule.