Monday, June 15, 2009

How Are You Screening Your Applicants?

Over the past several months I have heard a wide variety of advice being given to job seekers on how to handle their employment history. In many cases, it is like the weather in the Midwest. Wait a minute and it will change. I attended a semianr which discussed the recruiting trends for the 21st century and one of the participants told the presenter that if a resume came across his desk and he had more than two jobs in ten years, he/she automatically became a non-qualified candidate. With Gen Y jumping ship every 18 months or so on average and the nature of the market changing, now corporations are begining to look at job hopping as an asset not a detriment.
In today's marketplace the job-hopper is considered to be more of an asset to the organization because they are able to bring new experiences, new culture background and more in-tune with the marketplace today. Troy Media columnist, Bob Weinstein suggests that if you are staying with one company for longer than two years you better have a really great reason for doing so. See the following link:

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