Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What Direction are We Headed In

A friend recently loaned us a copy of the four seasons of the show 4400. In one of the episodes a teacher is charged with child abuse because she inspired her students to utilize their talents. Right after watching the episode we downloaded two reports --Preparing the Workers Today for the Jobs of Tomorrow and The Ill-Prepared U.S. Workforce. We also watch as a segment of the population argues against the President talking to school children about making a difference in their world. The two reports mentioned above says that many employers are reporting a segment of the workforce is neither trained for tomorrow's jobs nor or they prepared for the jobs of today. When we look at the available training opportunities we need to really look at just what we are teaching our business leaders of tomorrow. Dr. Richard Florida, in his book Flight of the Creative Class, suggests that many of the world's talent are forsaking the U.S. job market because they can find better opportunities elsewhere. If they are not williong to come here, some may suggest that we have the talent locally to fill those positions. However, if they are not prepared for the demands of those jobs, what are we telling our customers? What are we telling the global marketplace? How do we expect to compete against the changing world? For those of you who believe we are doing fine just as we are (and I know there are some out there who think that way) I would suggest that you look at the You Tube presentation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMcfrLYDm2U and

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