Monday, June 25, 2012

Why Does HR Not get It?

In the course of my consulting practice I have the opportunity to talk with a number of individuals within the HR  and business space on a daily basis. So when twice in a week I get the same question posed to me, it makes you wake up and think twice about how you answer.

The first time occurred during the facilitation of our two day seminar on "Achieving HR Excellence through Six Sigma"  when one of the participants remarked that she does not understand why HR people shy away from solutions that will improve the effectiveness of their space within the organization. The second one happened within the groups on LinkedIn when Dr. Ed Holton posted a question with the same title as this post.

Does HR have a problem with getting it? I suppose it depends on who you talk to. However here is my take on the response. Many contributors to the HR space believe that we need to change our message and I would agree.The problem becomes what do we change the message to?

I would suggest that we need to reassess where you want to take your career. If you are happy with being the corporate fireman and spending your days putting out those fires that arise because we are embedded in the stance of being reactive to the environment around us so be it. But at the same time we would suggest that you stop by your local business supply place and purchase a calendar and begin to cross off each day with a large red X. Why? I would suggest that you are counting the days until you don't have a position. This is not because your organization decides to let you go. This is because the position will evolve into another dimension.  dimension in which there will be more demanded of you then you are currently providing your organization.

On the other hand if you want to become a vital part of your organization then you need to change your focus to a proactive stance. You need to change your perspective to one of challenging everything the organization does related to human capital. Become proactive in solving the organizational problems.I just finished reading John Bodreau's Beyond HR in which we suggests that we need to look at HR from a talentship view. while I disagree with some of his points, the basic point is that we need to become more involved in the hiring process from the point of view of delivering metrics which show the benefits of the talent acquisition process.

As Dr. Holton so aptly asks, if accounting, finance, C-Suites and marketing get the message why can't HR. It is a critical point in time that HR has to understand that we can no longer tolerate being the organizational punching bag. We can no longer tolerate being the answer that managers use for why the system does not work.  As HR professionals, many of you who are in Atlanta at the SHRM conference, we need to stand up and say enough is enough.  We get the message. We understand what our new role in the organization is supposed to be. We are not your punching bag, but rather play a vital role in the success of your organization. we are the ones who understand the valuable role our human capital play better than anyone else in the organization. We are the ones who hear and understand what trials and tribulations they are going through. We are the one who know the obstacles the market is putting in front of us when we source out that next best talent.

Why does HR not get it? We do not have a choice but to start getting it. It means the success of both your career and the success of the organizations that  employ us.

Posted via email from hrstrategist@Net-Speed

Monday, June 04, 2012

Human Resources Defined: The Architect of Work

I continually talk to clients and fellow HR professionals bout how we need to change our perspective on this industry we have chosen. We can't expect to walk a different path when we try to push this is what we do on our organizations This week we received one of the best blogs on this read we have seen recently from the HR Bartender. Today's post is that blog post in its entirety

Human Resources Defined: The Architect of Work

Posted: 03 Jun 2012 03:20 AM PDT

Human resources is a tough profession to define. Whenever people ask me what I do and I say “human resources”, their first response is … oh, you hire people. Which is true, human resources often has responsibility in the recruitment arena. But it’s certainly not the sum and substance of the role. By far.

But then, when I try to explain what HR does, it becomes this long list of things – benefits, compensation, safety, employee relations, etc. etc. People’s eyes begin to glaze over…

So when I have to describe what HR does, I like to say – HR is the architect of work.

Think about it. What does an architect do? They’re responsible for creating functional, safe, aesthetically pleasing, economical structures. And they get their job done by not only designing but communicating their design to clients, builders, and others.

Human resources professionals are responsible for creating work that:

§ People will want to apply for

§ Pays a wage and benefits package companies can afford

§ Offers fulfillment to employees

§ Meets a need within the organization

And just like some buildings change over time well, work changes too. HR is responsible for taking a holistic approach to work and making sure any changes align with the goals of the organization. It reminds me of the funny story about someone I worked with years ago:

He and his wife would go out to dinner every night. And one night they sketched out their dream home on a bar napkin. They took the bar napkin to an architect and said, “This is our dream home, draw us a blue print.” The architect looked at the napkin and asked, “Can I make one suggestion? Put a kitchen in it.”

So years later, they built their dream home and, taking the architect’s suggestion, included a kitchen. They also put a sign at the kitchen entry that said “This kitchen is for resale purposes only.” Ha!

So, there you go. The role of human resources is to be the architect of work. To create worthwhile jobs that people want to fulfill the company’s goals and objectives.

Reprinted from HR Bartender, a friendly place to discuss workplace issues, with permission from Sharlyn Lauby, SPHR, CPLP.

Posted via email from hrstrategist@Net-Speed