Sunday, May 02, 2010

Our Common Future

I am writing this while sitting watching the reports on the pending catastrophic events in the Gulf of Mexico. The word of the time is that of sustainability. In that regard we have over the last several months have almost every night been subjected to an energy industry sponsored TV spot talking about how safe the drilling for oil in the gulf was. How environmentally sound the process was .How the drilling would provide 92 million jobs. Now that is all in jeopardy because the process was not as safe as we were lead to believe. So what do we do now? I would suggest several tactics:
1) Corporations need to find ways to reduce their carbon footprint so we do not need as much oil
2) We as individuals should follow in step to our corporations by reducing our energy use at home

For the immediate future, check with your individual hairdresser and ask them to contribute to A Matter of Trust ( which is collecting hair to be donated to the clean-up effort. The hair cuttings are put in nylon tubing to be used as buoys to stop the spread. Check and see if you can donate time, money or materials to one of the organizations gearing up to help save the ecosystem of the gulf and possibly the Atlantic coast of the US.
We all have a responsibility to ensure that the environment is not destroyed so that the future of our living space is not endangered. It is our responsibility to make sure we are using our assets reasonably in the future.

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