Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Implications for the Workplace

We have witnessed several incidents over the past several weeks of violence taking place in our palces to work.This get followed by a father going ballistic on a school bus because the students riding the bus were bullying his 13 year old disabled daughter. In my spare time ( as if I have any) I substitute teach in the local schools and the last time I did so I had a student who came to the decision that she needed to talk to a friend who was out in the school yard, and despite  being told to take her seat she got up and walked out the door. When I discussed the situation with an administrator the answer I received was that it is not the same environment as when we went to school. Now the students can practicaly do what ever they want.

The implication was that we no longer have the ability to control the quality of the educational environment that we are using to train the talnet we need to fulfill the coming talent shortage in our conversations. Growing up we never heard of employees reporting to work with a loaded weapon. Growing up we never heard of employees taking other actions that are detrimental to the workplace.

If we want a safe workplace it is time we take back the environment in which we train the future leaders. We need to create educational environments where the students are there to learn the skills and tools that they will need to survive when they enter the workplace. We need to convince them that there is a better way then bullying fellow students because they are different. We need to convince them that the only way our society and business organizations will survive is if we recognize, appreciate and relish the diversity of thoughts and knowledge in the global workplace.

While I am not condoning the censorship of our employees, I am suggesting that we need to create a better work environment where we respect  each others presence.

Posted via email from hrstrategist@Net-Speed

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