Friday, May 06, 2011

Interesting argument. True or false?

On the CNN Money site this morning Fortune is currently showing an article from Colin Barr in which he states that the circumstances are right for the hiring levels to increase because they HAVE TO. Mr, Barr's argument for this rests in  the following points:

  1. Productivity gains are beginning to decrease after dramatic increases
  2. Employerd have harvested al the low-hanging fruit

The result has been that organizations have been asking their human capital to do more with less since the beginning of these economic times. However they have reached the point where these assets can't do more with less so the only recourse is to bring in more bodies to handle the increased workload. It is time that corporations realize that their human capital assets are the reason why they continue to operate, not because they cut expenses to the bare bones.

Posted via email from hrstrategist@Net-Speed

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